Assembly sessions 1 & 2 - 10/24/08

Fr. Vasily Lickwar checking on the registration table.
Bp. NIKON and Fr. David Koles, Diocesan Secretary
Fr. Jason Vansuch, Norwich, Rosemary Delaney, New Britain and Joan Skrobat, Clinton.
Delegate getting pinned
Alexia and Timothy Tassmer, Meriden, Credentials Committee and Fr. Dennis Rhodes, Waterbury.
Molieben to open the assembly.
Protodeacon Paul Nimchek chants the Great Litany.
Dn. Steven Hosking reading the epistle.
His Grace blessing after the gosple reading.
Fr. John Kreta, Diocesan Chancellor, lead the election of assembly officers.
Peter Kopcha, Diocesan Treasurer.
His Grace, Bishop NIKON giving his report ...
on the state of the Diocese of New England.
Fr. Marc Vranes, Willimantic introducing our guest speaker.
Constantine Triantafilou, Director of IOCC was the guest speaker.
Fr. Marc Vranes, Dean Triantafilou and Fr. John Kreta.
During the assembly Bp. Nikon, Peter Kopcha and a few others met with the Real Estate Agent and the Lawyer to finalize the sale of the diocesan residence.
Fr. Dennis Rhodes, Waterbury, Clergy Vice Chairman directed the procedings.
The Secretariate: Fr. Joshua Mosher, Meriden, Fr. David Koles, Diocesan Secretary and George Ludko both of New Britain.
Fr. Robert Arida, Dean of the Boston Deanery from Holy Trinity Cathedral Boston.
Fr. Vladimir Aleandro, Dean of the Connecticut Deanery from Southbury.
Fr. Andrew Tregubov, Dean of the Northern Deanery from Claremont.
Fr. Mark Sherman, Dean of Missions, Metropolitan Council clergy representative from Salem.
Dn. John Zarras, Metropolitan Council lay representative from Southbury.
Fr. Sergius Halvorsen, Communications Director, Chairman of the Committe on Evangelization from Southbury.
Protodeacon Paul Nimchek, Director of ONE Stewards from Terryville.
Peter Kopcha, Diocesan Treasurer from Southbury.
Fr. John Hopko, Diocesan Youth Director from Terryville.
Greg Shesko, Chairman of the Diocesan Residence Committee from Salem.
Lunch break!
Fr. Dennis Rhodes and Joseph Borouch both of Waterbury with Fr. Steven Voytovich, Clinton.
Fr. Michael Korolev, Springfield, MA and Fr. Jason Vansuch, Norwich.
Frances Prestash and Fr. Michael Westerberg both from New Haven and Fr. Andrew Tregubov, Claremont.
Fr. Michael Roshak, Ansonia, Fr. Vadim Pismeni, Bridgeport and Fr. Sergius Halvorsen.
Fr. Robert Arida, Boston and Fr. Robert Dick, Maynard.
Fr. James Robertson, Kingston and Fr. John Kreta, Salisbury.