44th Diocesan Assembly
The 44th Assembly of the Diocese of New England was held at Ss. Peter & Paul Church, Meriden, CT on October 26-27, 2007.
Diocesan Icon
Welcoming committee
The Assembly opens with a Molieben
"Look down, even now, O Master, on this diocesan assembly, ..."
His Grace, Bp. NIKON, welcomes all to the Assembly.
The keeper of the door, Paul Culton, of the Credentials Committee.
Dn. John Zarras, Lay Representative to the ..
Metropolitan Council presents the MC report.
"Our Father..." before lunch.
Blessing of the meal.
Diet Coke, a small blessing.
Desert anyone?
Fr. Dennis Rhodes, Clergy vice-chairman talks with Fr. Robert Arida during a break.
Fr. Vladimir Aleandro talks about his OCMC ...
... mission to Kenya with Mat. Suzanne.
DVD on the church building OCMC trip in July.
The Diocesan Secretary trying to look busy.
Bp. NIKON meeting with the clergy.
Greg Shesko leading the discussion ...
... as the laity meet.
Treasurer Peter Kopcha and UConn OCF President Andrew Boyd.
Andrew Boyd assisting at Daily Vespers.
Fr. Michael Roshak and Dn. Christopher Westrate.
The Great Litany.
"Lord I Call ...."
Divine Liturgy on Saturday morning.
Choir under the direction of Mary Ann Sporcic.
"Holy God..."
Prdn, Paul Nimchek reading the gospel.
Great Entrance.
Communion of the faithful.
Fr. Steve Voyovich reading thanksgiving prayers.
Prdn. Paul Nimchek & Fr. John Kreta enjoy brunch.
Bp. NIKON & Greg Shesko review resolutions.
Fr. Sergius Halvorsen presents findings of the Task Force on Diocesan Membership.
Fr. John Hopko addressing the assembly during session 3.
Greg Shesko, Lay vice chairman.