2015 Diocesan Assembly Material
2015 Diocesan Assembly Material
Last updated: 2016-09-08 12:58:55

The Registration packet for the 2015 Diocesan Assembly is now available for downloading.

In MS Word Format or in PDF Format

The Draft Minutes from the 51st Assembly are also available.

In MS Word Format or in PDF Format

Note that the dead line is October 5th. This is to be able to firm numbers with the retreat center. We are doing something different this year, as everything on Friday will be held at the Immaculata Retreat Center. The cost to the Diocese is ALL Inclusive. Please if you are attending the Assembly, plan on attending the Banquet.

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Diocese of New England
c/o V. Rev. John Kreta, 75 Hospital Hill Rd
Sharon, CT 06069-2010
Diocesan Life